Complex Training: Strength and Conditioning Workout

Complex Training: Strength and Conditioning Workout

Originally developed as a secret Russian training regimen, complex training has been proven to increase strength and power. It combines a slow, heavy strength exercise, such as a squat or press, with a light, rapid, explosive exercise, such as an Olympic lift, a jump, a sprint, or a throw. The goal is to activate the nervous system as much as possible with the heavy, slow movement, then capitalise on that stimulation with high-intensity activity.

Perform a series of strength exercises, such as three or four challenging back squat repetitions followed by a set of explosive activities, such as five verticals, to reap the best results. Make sure to fully recover before beginning the following set. If you have limited training time, complex training is always an efficient way to utilise that time.

How Complex Training Works

It is a phenomenon called post-activation potentiation (PAP) that underlies the efficacy of complex training. An individual’s explosive power increases when they begin to undergo maximal or near-maximal contractions. This acute increase in power is the result of increased neural activation caused by the recruitment of more motor units. Each motor unit consists of a special type of nerve cell that runs between the central nervous system and all the muscles it stimulates. Visit the best gym in Dubai to start your complex training journey right.

Designing A Workout Plan

Before beginning a high-intensity training program, it is critical to complete a variety of mobility exercises for a proper dynamic warm-up. A difficult workout can be completed in two ways: before moving on to the following exercise, complete all complicated sets of that exercise, or combine the exercises into a circuit. Circuit training helps you to shorten rest time between tough sets, increasing the workout’s difficulty.

During a complex training set, two exercises are performed back to back, with a brief rest period in between. Exercise one is a strength exercise for four to six repetitions with a heavy weight. The second exercise involves explosive movements for five to eight repetitions. A 30- to 45-second rest interval should be allowed between strength and power exercises, and a 90- to 120-second rest interval should follow both exercises. 

To Conclude

Training doesn’t miraculously boost type IIb fibres. To achieve the best results, you must concentrate on the exercises and speed up your performance. For at least 48 hours before a complex workout, avoid intense aerobic or anaerobic exercises. It is best not to perform static stretching exercises during a difficult session because they will relax the muscles and reduce force production. Having the right personal trainers working with you would ensure that you are guided through every step of the complex training process.
